AsiaEurope Jobs este cea mai nouă și inovatoare platformă de recrutare și plasare a lucrătorilor asiatici, ce aduce o schimbare radicală pe piața forței de muncă din România și Europa. Dezvoltată în colaborare cu Unicorn Media Tech, lider global în soluții digitale, AsiaEurope Jobs reprezintă noul standard în recrutare, aducând o abordare eficientă și accesibilă pentru afacerile din întreaga țară.
Vă oferim soluții inovatoare pentru îmbunătățirea procesului dvs. de recrutare. Prin intermediul platformei noastre WEB și a aplicației mobile, AsiaEurope Jobs, vă ajutăm să găsiți candidații potriviți din Asia, să eficientizați operațiunile de resurse umane și să vă atingeți obiectivele de afaceri.
Pe platforma AsiaEurope Jobs, putem oferi o gamă diversă de personal din diferite țări asiatice. Din India, avem profesioniști calificați în domeniile Construcții, Livrare Mâncare, Sudură, Agricultură, Ferme Animale și Fabrici.
Baza noastră de talente din Nepal include experți în domeniul Hoteluri/Restaurante, precum Cameristă și Ajutor de bucătar, împreună cu oportunități în domeniul Ambalare, Depozitare, Livrare Mâncare și Fabrici.
Din Bangladesh, avem candidați calificați disponibili pentru Livrare Mâncare, roluri în Hoteluri/Restaurante (Cameristă + Ajutor de bucătar) și poziții în Fabrici.
Cu rețeaua noastră extinsă și expertiza, ne angajăm să conectăm afacerea dvs. din România și Europa cu talente de top din Asia în diverse industrii.
La AsiaEurope Jobs, punem mare preț pe integritate. Ne străduim să fim onești, transparenți și să respectăm încrederea clienților noștri. Fiecare acțiune și decizie pe care o luăm se bazează pe etică și corectitudine, în beneficiul tuturor părților implicate.
Suntem susținători ai colaborării eficiente și echipei puternice. Înțelegem că succesul nu poate fi obținut individual, ci prin unirea eforturilor și schimbul de idei între membrii echipei noastre și clienți. Promovăm un mediu de lucru cooperativ, unde fiecare contribuie la atingerea obiectivelor comune.
La AsiaEurope Jobs, aspirăm mereu spre excelență în tot ceea ce facem. Căutăm să oferim servicii de cea mai înaltă calitate, depășind așteptările clienților noștri. Ne concentrăm pe dezvoltarea continuă, perfecționarea abilităților noastre și adaptarea la cerințele în schimbare ale pieței, în vederea furnizării unei experiențe remarcabile.
Suntem o companie orientată spre inovație și ne angajăm să aducem soluții creative și inovatoare în domeniul recrutării. Căutăm constant noi modalități de a îmbunătăți procesele și tehnologiile noastre, pentru a răspunde nevoilor și cerințelor într-o lume în continuă schimbare. Ne asumăm riscuri și încurajăm gândirea nonconformistă, pentru a crea valoare adăugată pentru clienții noștri.
Cu platforma web și aplicația mobilă AsiaEurope Jobs, vă punem la dispoziție instrumentele necesare pentru a face procesul de recrutare și plasare mai eficient, mai rapid și mai intuitiv.
Echipa noastră dedicată este pregătită să vă răspundă întrebărilor și să vă ofere informațiile necesare pentru a începe colaborarea cu AsiaEurope Jobs. Așteptăm cu nerăbdare să vă auzim și să vă oferim serviciile noastre profesioniste în recrutare și plasare a forței de muncă asiatică.
Contactați-ne astăzi pentru a afla mai multe și pentru a începe să beneficiați de soluțiile noastre inovatoare.
Kemp House, 160 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX Strada Vântului, nr. 4-6, Sector 3, București
+40 765 417 693
Maximize recruitment efficiency and achieve exceptional performance with AsiaEurope Jobs, the first mobile app in Romania dedicated to finding the best Asian candidates. We simplify human resources operations and help you reach your business goals.
Summer Promotion: 50% OFF! Valid 01.06.2024 – 20.08.2024
Right now, access our premium services at €44/month/candidate (standard price €89). We offer the complete solution: the AsiaEurope Jobs All-Inclusive Subscription covers all taxes and costs of bringing Asian workers to Romania or Europe.
Why Choose AsiaEurope Jobs?
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to find skilled and unskilled labor. Contact us now to take advantage of our unbeatable summer offer!
All-Inclusive Subscription – The Trusted Solution for Labor Shortages
In a first for the Romanian and European markets, AsiaEurope Jobs offers companies an all-inclusive monthly subscription with all fees included for a period of 1 year. This unique initiative removes financial and administrative obstacles related to bringing Asian workers into the country, making recruitment more accessible and efficient than ever before.
Exclusivity and Competitive Advantage: AsiaEurope Jobs provides exclusive access to a pool of qualified Asian talents, giving companies an additional edge in a competitive labor market.
Significant Savings: The monthly fee of only 89 euros per candidate allows you to make substantial savings without compromising on the quality of the workforce.
Sustainable Performance: Benefit from a continuous flow of qualified Asian specialists, ensuring stability and success for your business.
Integrated Support: AsiaEurope Jobs offers comprehensive support for the relocation and integration of Asian candidates into the working culture of Romania.
Performance Assurance: AsiaEurope Jobs guarantees that if a candidate doesn’t meet expectations, they can be replaced free of charge within a 6-month period.
We have a vast and well-established network of talented and qualified Asian candidates, spanning a wide range of industries and areas of expertise. From engineers and IT professionals to construction professionals, we have the resources to meet your specific requirements.
Our experienced recruitment team has deep knowledge of the Asian labor market and cultural understanding to identify the right candidates for the European work environment. We use rigorous assessment methods and interview candidates to ensure the perfect fit.
AsiaEurope Jobs provides you with an intuitive WEB Platform where you can post and manage job offers, schedule interviews and track candidate progress. We offer you an efficient and transparent recruitment process that saves you time and effort.
We understand the complexity of the visa and work permit process. Our team provides full support to ensure a smooth transition for Asian workers so you can focus on growing your business.
We offer customized recruitment solutions and expertise in identifying and placing the best Asian candidates in your organization
We have the ability to identify and attract talented and motivated candidates from Asia who perfectly match your organization's requirements and culture. We use a combination of advanced recruitment methods and rigorous assessments to ensure you hire the right candidates.
We rely on advanced technology solutions to provide you with an efficient and smooth recruitment and placement experience. Through our admin platform and mobile app, you'll be able to easily manage job postings, schedule interviews and track candidates, all in an intuitive and convenient way.
Our team of specialists are at your disposal with professional advice and consultancy throughout the entire recruitment process. We offer customized solutions tailored to your specific needs and guide you in making the right decisions regarding the placement and management of Asian workers.
We help you streamline your HR operations by automating your recruitment and application management processes. Thus, you will save time and effort, being able to focus on business development strategies.
We are here to develop a long-term partnership based on trust and collaboration. We want to be with you as you achieve your recruitment goals and provide ongoing support in managing and developing your Asian workforce.
At AsiaEurope Jobs, we believe that cultural diversity and international experience bring significant value to both candidates and employers. Through our platform, we provide employment and professional development opportunities for Asian workers eager to build a successful career in Romania and other European countries.
At AsiaEurope Jobs, we have a clear mission – to connect continents, build bridges between cultures and bring value to organizations by placing Asian talent on the Romanian and European labor market. We are dedicated to providing strategic employment solutions that support the growth and success of organizations while providing meaningful career opportunities for Asian workers.
We are proud to present our innovative solutions that will revolutionize the way you manage your Asian recruitment and placement process. With AsiaEurope Jobs, you have two powerful tools at your disposal: the web platform for companies and the mobile app for candidates.
With AsiaEurope Jobs you have the opportunity to completely revolutionize the recruitment process and achieve better results than you ever imagined. We are here to provide you with innovative solutions and advanced strategies to help you find the best candidates and build successful teams.
We ensure that we offer rigorously selected candidates who match the requirements and values of your organization. Our team of recruitment experts will identify and assess suitable candidates to ensure you have the best selection.
We provide support in obtaining the necessary documents to facilitate the relocation and integration of Asian workers in their new destination.
In collaboration with relevant authorities and institutions, we support you in obtaining visas and work permits for Asian workers. We simplify the process and ensure that everything is in compliance with legal requirements.
At AsiaEurope Jobs, we believe that cultural diversity and international experience bring added value to both organizations and Asian workers. We are here to build strong ties between Asia and Europe and open new opportunities for your success. Together, we can create a more integrated and prosperous future for global workforce recruitment and placement.
Leslie Alexander
Head of Human Resources
Emerson Bergeron
Administrative Manager
Euismod massa porttitor ut ultricies quis luctus ut. Ut amet, mauris, duis lectus. Orci, blandit nisi velit esse quam nihil
Simon Mayer
Chief Executive Officer
Lena Carlier
Management Associate
Improve your recruitment process with our state-of-the-art solutions. AsiaEurope Jobs is the first mobile application in Romania that helps you find suitable Asian candidates, streamline human resources operations, and achieve your business objectives.
Revolutionizing Recruitment with the All-Inclusive Subscription
Labor shortages pose a significant challenge for companies. AsiaEurope Jobs offers an innovative solution in this regard: The All-Inclusive Subscription (covering all fees and costs associated with bringing Asian workers into the country).
Exceptional Financial Accessibility
For just 89 Euros per month per candidate, for a period of 1 year, you can access a pool of qualified or unqualified Asian workers, ensuring stability and performance in any field of activity.
All-Inclusive Subscription – The Trusted Solution for Labor Shortages
In a first for the Romanian and European markets, AsiaEurope Jobs offers companies an all-inclusive monthly subscription with all fees included for a period of 1 year. This unique initiative removes financial and administrative obstacles related to bringing Asian workers into the country, making recruitment more accessible and efficient than ever before.
Exclusivity and Competitive Advantage: AsiaEurope Jobs provides exclusive access to a pool of qualified Asian talents, giving companies an additional edge in a competitive labor market.
Significant Savings: The monthly fee of only 89 euros per candidate allows you to make substantial savings without compromising on the quality of the workforce.
Sustainable Performance: Benefit from a continuous flow of qualified Asian specialists, ensuring stability and success for your business.
Integrated Support: AsiaEurope Jobs offers comprehensive support for the relocation and integration of Asian candidates into the working culture of Romania.
Performance Assurance: AsiaEurope Jobs guarantees that if a candidate doesn’t meet expectations, they can be replaced free of charge within a 6-month period.
We have a vast and well-established network of talented and qualified Asian candidates, spanning a wide range of industries and areas of expertise. From engineers and IT professionals to construction professionals, we have the resources to meet your specific requirements.
Our experienced recruitment team has deep knowledge of the Asian labor market and cultural understanding to identify the right candidates for the European work environment. We use rigorous assessment methods and interview candidates to ensure the perfect fit.
AsiaEurope Jobs provides you with an intuitive WEB Platform where you can post and manage job offers, schedule interviews and track candidate progress. We offer you an efficient and transparent recruitment process that saves you time and effort.
We understand the complexity of the visa and work permit process. Our team provides full support to ensure a smooth transition for Asian workers so you can focus on growing your business.
We offer customized recruitment solutions and expertise in identifying and placing the best Asian candidates in your organization
We have the ability to identify and attract talented and motivated candidates from Asia who perfectly match your organization's requirements and culture. We use a combination of advanced recruitment methods and rigorous assessments to ensure you hire the right candidates.
We rely on advanced technology solutions to provide you with an efficient and smooth recruitment and placement experience. Through our admin platform and mobile app, you'll be able to easily manage job postings, schedule interviews and track candidates, all in an intuitive and convenient way.
Our team of specialists are at your disposal with professional advice and consultancy throughout the entire recruitment process. We offer customized solutions tailored to your specific needs and guide you in making the right decisions regarding the placement and management of Asian workers.
We help you streamline your HR operations by automating your recruitment and application management processes. Thus, you will save time and effort, being able to focus on business development strategies.
We are here to develop a long-term partnership based on trust and collaboration. We want to be with you as you achieve your recruitment goals and provide ongoing support in managing and developing your Asian workforce.
At AsiaEurope Jobs, we believe that cultural diversity and international experience bring significant value to both candidates and employers. Through our platform, we provide employment and professional development opportunities for Asian workers eager to build a successful career in Romania and other European countries.
At AsiaEurope Jobs, we have a clear mission – to connect continents, build bridges between cultures and bring value to organizations by placing Asian talent on the Romanian and European labor market. We are dedicated to providing strategic employment solutions that support the growth and success of organizations while providing meaningful career opportunities for Asian workers.
We are proud to present our innovative solutions that will revolutionize the way you manage your Asian recruitment and placement process. With AsiaEurope Jobs, you have two powerful tools at your disposal: the web platform for companies and the mobile app for candidates.
With AsiaEurope Jobs you have the opportunity to completely revolutionize the recruitment process and achieve better results than you ever imagined. We are here to provide you with innovative solutions and advanced strategies to help you find the best candidates and build successful teams.
We ensure that we offer rigorously selected candidates who match the requirements and values of your organization. Our team of recruitment experts will identify and assess suitable candidates to ensure you have the best selection.
We provide support in obtaining the necessary documents to facilitate the relocation and integration of Asian workers in their new destination.
In collaboration with relevant authorities and institutions, we support you in obtaining visas and work permits for Asian workers. We simplify the process and ensure that everything is in compliance with legal requirements.
At AsiaEurope Jobs, we believe that cultural diversity and international experience bring added value to both organizations and Asian workers. We are here to build strong ties between Asia and Europe and open new opportunities for your success. Together, we can create a more integrated and prosperous future for global workforce recruitment and placement.
Leslie Alexander
Head of Human Resources
Emerson Bergeron
Administrative Manager
Euismod massa porttitor ut ultricies quis luctus ut. Ut amet, mauris, duis lectus. Orci, blandit nisi velit esse quam nihil
Simon Mayer
Chief Executive Officer
Lena Carlier
Management Associate